Military Requests

For commands wanting to request masks, 1 Sailor per command may contact Valerie Mascho, our Military Point of Contact, who is overseeing all our military requests. You can email her with questions.

Patterns to use are listed on the pattern page, EYMM Adult, and Pleated (2 layers of cotton only) are preferred. Conservative colors on the outside, fun prints on the inside, that way we know they will meet any potential requests (some commands need conservative only).

If you can’t sew but have a machine and want to learn, join the Facebook Group and we have some resource links and people happy to help you out!!!

Military Masks Drop Box:

Contact: Valerie Mascho

1245 NE Oleary St for the dropbox. Please leave your name, phone, and number donated on the bag, and bags NOT sealed. No need to ring the doorbell (camera) and involve our dog.

Drop off during daylight hours preferred.

Example of business in the front and ‘party in the back’ and of conservative fabrics that can have a tone on tone subtle designs in conservative colors. Don’t have fabric? We have had amazing people ALL OVER WHIDBEY dig through their stashes to donate fabric that will work for our volunteers. Contact Valerie to pick some up.